I own Microsoft Fortran PowerStation Professional Edition 4.0 which I thinkhas been replaced byIntel compilers. There is a newer version, PowerStation 4.0, which is designed. Rather large applications can thus be linked with. Easy to use, but most importantly removes the severe memory restrictions. To the Microsoft Power Station for 32 bit Fortran.

In this case you get rid of japi.lib and replace it with your own. What this error means is the exported symbol does not match the imported symbol. You get LINK Error of the kind: Undefined symbol 'J_ADD' in module 'button.f' at location000110D5. Here are quick and easy steps to try to make JAPI work with Fortran Powerstation 4.0 and CVF6.0: First: Since both Fortran Powerstation 4.0 and CVF6.0 do DLL, grab the JAPI LF95 (japi.dll, japi.lib, japi.f and some examples.f) and try it.